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Producent dodaj nazwę producenta do kolumny "Producent"
Model model urządzenia dodaj do kolumny "Model"
idVendor ID chipsetu dodaj do kolumny "idVendor" - zastąp -s 2:5 w poniższym przykładzie, swoim określonym urządzeniem Bus (Bus:Device) które możesz zobaczyć na wyjściu komendy lsusb.

 lsusb -s 2:5 -v | grep idVendor
 idVendor           0x050d Belkin Components

idProduct id produktu

 lsusb -s 2:5 -v | grep idProduct
 idProduct          0x016a

Sterownik nazwę sterownika możesz zobaczyć dopisując -t tak jak jest to pokazane na przykładzie: lsusb -t

Informacje o urządzeniu Bluetooth, możesz też znaleźć przez wydanie polecenia:

hwinfo --bluetooth

Notatka Komentarze mile widziane.

Lista urządzeń

Producent Model idVendor idProduct Sterownik Wydanie Komentarz
MSI Btoes2.0 XMicro 0x0a12 0x0001 btusb 11.2 Classes: Phone, Cordless, Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio
Asus ASUSTek 2045 Bluetooth 2.0 USB Device 0x0b05 0x1715 btusb 11.2 Classes: Networking, Capturing, Telephony
Silicon Wave SiW 0x0c10 0x0000 btusb 11.1 Classes: Networking, Capturing, Telephony
Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) CSR Bluetooth Dongle 0x0a12 0x0001 btusb 11.2 O.K. bnc 529465
Kensington Bluetooth USB Micro Adapter 0x0a12 0x0001 btusb 11.1 cannot pair mobile phone with it with SUSE 11.1. Can transfer pictures and videos using this description.
HP HP Integrated module Ox03f0 0x171d btusb 11.1 O.K.
Conceptronic CBT200U2 10.3 no problems
Yakumo BlueportPRO Class I Broadcom ohci_hcd 9.3 Broadcom chipsets doesn't support SCO, so you cannot use a Bluetooth headset together with this adapter
Celink BTA-6030 Blth Dongle Class I 10.2 No problems
- - CSR ohci_hcd 9.3 CSR chipsets supports SCO in Linux
D-Link DBT-120 Rev. B4 CSR 10.0
D-Link DBT-122 10.3,11.0 Works perfectly out the box, no problems.
Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR Bluetooth Dongle CSR hci_usb 10.2,10.3
Logitech DiNovo Cordless Desktop Laser 10.0
ASUSTeK WL-BTD202 ERD V2.0 Class 2 10.2,10.3,11.0 Works out of the box
D-Link DBT-122 10.2 Works perfectly out the box, no problems
3Com 3CREB96 Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter rev. 1.15 CSR hci_usb 10.1,10.2,10.3 Works perfectly out the box, no problems, (bluetooth,bnep,rfcomm,hidp,l2cap)
ES-388 Bluetooth USB Adapter 10.1,10.2,10.3 Works perfectly out the box, no problems, Connect to the Internet(Send and Receive email, Browse the web, Synchronize with a Bluetooth enable PDA, Hook up to an office network (with Bluetooth access point), Communicate with other Bluetooth devices)
LINKSYS LINKSYS BLUETOOTH USB ADAPTER (USBBT100 ) hci_usb 10.3 Broadcom chipset. Works out the box, though only tested with file transfers too cellphone.
ISSC KY-BT100 Bluetooth Adapter (BM12_V1.03, Bluetooth 2.0+EDR) hci_usb 10.3,11.0 Used for 1) transfer files between cell phone <-> computer and 2) make cell phone acting as device pointer for computer
Laser (www.laserco.net) Laser bluetooth v2.0 compliant usb dongle 10.3 had to use the command mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb/ to get the dongle on line
Trust Bt2400p Compact usb dongle Broadcom hci_usb 11.0,11.1 Plug it in and go
Vivanco AirConAction2 USB dongle hci_usb 11.0 no problems
Alps Electric Co., Ltd BCM2046 Bluetooth Device 0x044e 0x3017 btusb 11.1 Internal adapter of Sony Vaio VGN-Z540. Suspend/Hibernate OK. Tested with Logitech kbd/mouse and Jabra 620 headset.
HP HP Integrated Module 0x03f0 0x171d btusb 11.1 no problems
Hama Nano Bluetooth 11.1 Works out of the box
Belkin Mini Bluetooth Adapter 0x050d 0x016a btusb 11.1 O.K.
Cambridge Silicon radio 0x0a12 0x0001 btusb 11.1 Does not work. Bug 450317
Cambridge Silicon radio (10) USB Dongle btusb 11.1 O.K.
Belkin F8T009 0x0a5c 0x200a btusb 11.1 Does not work. Bug 450317
Integrated System Solution Corp. KY-BT100 0x1131 0x1001 btusb 11.1 Does not work. Bug 450317
Compaq nx6125 0x03f0 0x011d btusb 11.1 O.K.
Acer Aspire 6920 0x0a5c 0x2101 btusb 11.1 O.K.
MSI Starkey 0x0a5c 0x2101 btusb 11.1 Does not work. The dongle is recognized and the driver is attached. hciconfig looks normal. "hcitool scan" finds no devices.
MSI Starkey 0x0a5c 0x200a btusb 11.1 O.K.
Broadcom BCM2045B 0x0a5c 0x2110 btusb 11.1 O.K.
Broadcom Lenovo X200S 0x0a5c 0x2145 btusb 11.1 O.K.
AirLive BT-201USB 0x0a5c 0x2101 btusb 11.1 O.K.
Trust 2.1 USB BT-2400p 0x0a5c 0x2148 btusb 11.3 O.K. www.trus.com/15542/faq
TRENDnet TBW-105UB 0x0a5c "Broadcom Corp." 0x2101 "BCM92045B3 ROM" btusb 11.2 O.K. http://www.trendnet.com/products/proddetail.asp?prod=165_TBW-105UB&cat=10
PPA Int'l 9017v 0x0a12 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd 0x0001 Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) btusb 11.3 (x86_64) Works out of the box. good range too.
Producent Model idVendor idProduct Sterownik Wydanie Komentarz

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